Sautéed Healthy Spinach

We love all types of spinach. We’re always searching for ways to slip this superfood into our meals. And we are always looking for the best healthy vegan recipes. A family member introduced us to this delicious and sautéed healthy spinach dish. Unsurprisingly, we quickly adopted it as a regular menu item! It is one of our favorite vegan recipes. We have made this healthy spinach for years now. We make it different every time. So, when it was time to write this amazing recipe down for all of you, it admittedly took a few iterations! 

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We believe we have the key to preparing any delicious sautéed dish. Any vegan recipe or non-vegan recipe will be perfected using this cooking method. Mix and cook all of the spices prior to adding any additional ingredients. This key step is critical to the success of this healthy spinach recipe. We also use this method with all of our vegan dishes.

The measurements and sautéed healthy spinach recipe specifics can be found in the vegan recipe card below.

Sautéed Healthy Spinach Ingredients

This healthy vegan recipe only calls for spinach and spices. So, chances are, the only item you have to remember to add to your grocery list is spinach!

  • Pantry Spices: salt, ground black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, turmeric powder, red chili pepper powder.
  • Spinach: recommend fresh. Frozen spinach would make this dish very watery and dilute the spices. Make sure to properly rinse the spinach and drain out before starting.
    • We often do add in tomatoes if we have them on hand. It cuts the spices and brings out the natural flavors. If you would like to add tomatoes, you will need 1/2 cup of chopped tomatoes.
  • The Other Stuff: olive oil, water

Get Cooking!

  • Create the spice mix: Measure out all of the spices and place them in a small bowl with 1/2 cup of water. Mix the spices together and ensure there are no clumps.
  • In a large sauce pan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
  • Once hot, drop a spoonful of the spice mix and see if it sizzles. Once it does, you are ready to pour the entire mixture into the pan. 
  • Cook spices for a few minutes, until fragrant and thick.
  • Grab a handful of washed spinach and “ring it out” – lightly squeeze over the sink to ensure you rid of excess water. Cook this first batch, stirring frequently. Once the spinach starts to cook, and shrink down, you are ready for your next handful. Continue this process until all of the spinach is in the pot. Now you must be thinking, wow this is tedious, but, trust us, it’s another critical step towards deliciousness!
  • Cook for another 5-10 minutes depending on how much water you have in the pot now from cooking the spinach. We like to burn off all of the water and give the spinach plenty of time to marinate in the spices.
    • If you are adding in tomatoes, now is the time to do so here.
  • Taste it before plating to ensure the spices are to your liking. If it is too spicy, add tomatoes or water. If you would like it more spicy, add 1/4 teaspoon of paprika or 1 more teaspoon of red chili pepper powder.

How to Serve and Eat

You might be thinking right about now, how am I supposed to eat this Sautéed Healthy Spinach vegan dish? Well there are actually a few different options:

  • Pair with pita bread or roti.
  • Our boys prefer it as small bite “sandwiches” – a little bit of spinach wrapped in either the pita bread or served on a chip.
  • Over rice.
  • Pair it with a similar protein-like dish, like our absolute favorite Savory Chickpeas.
  • For something easier, you can add in some seasoned black beans or an avocado. 

We hope you enjoy this healthy nutrient-rich vegetable as much as we do. Our Sautéed Healthy Spinach is one of our favorite meals. Hopefully, our vegan recipe is one of yours too. You can think about all of the wonderful vitamins and minerals you are nourishing your body with as you take each bite. Oh and of course relish in the fact that you explored a new vegan recipe that is low-calorie too!

Sautéed Healthy Spinach Recipe

sauteed healthy spinach recipe